Head of School's Message
At Heath Lane Nursery School, we are committed to creating a positive and structured environment where every child can thrive. To ensure our daily routines run smoothly and provide the best possible experience for your child, I would like to kindly remind everyone of the importance of arriving and leaving at the designated times. Most families understand how important this is and we thank you for doing your best to stick to school arrival and departure times.
Arriving on time helps your child settle into their day with ease, participate fully in our planned activities, and build confidence in their routine. Late arrivals can disrupt this flow and may cause unnecessary anxiety for your child.
Similarly, pick-ups at the published times are essential for maintaining a safe and supportive environment. Our team works hard to ensure all children are cared for until the scheduled end of their session, and timely departures help us to keep transitions smooth and focused.
Key Reminders:
Arrival Time: 8:30 AM to 8:40 AM (from the garden)
End of Morning session: 11.30 AM (from the front entrance)
Start of Afternoon session: 12.30 PM (from the front entrance)
Departure Time: 3:30 PM (from the garden)
If you are delayed or have exceptional circumstances, please contact the nursery office as soon as possible so we can plan accordingly.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us create a calm and organized environment for all our children. Your support is invaluable in ensuring each child’s day starts and ends on a positive note.

Dates coming up:
Drumming Workshop - Thursday 23rd January 2025
Chinese New Year - Year of the Snake - Wednesday 29th January 2025
February Half Term (Nursery Closed) - Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February 2025
Book & Rhyme of the week
Our Book of the Week is "The Snowy Day" by Ezra Jack Keats. Next week marks the innovation phase of the EYFS Talk For Writing programme, where children will creatively adapt and transform the story. Building on their understanding from the imitation phase, they will craft new storylines and scenarios inspired by the original tale, fostering their imagination and narrative skills.
Our key vocabulary of the text is "crunch", "snowball", "adventure", "dream", "truck" and "drag". Please see below link to story;
The Snowy Day Read-aloud, an animated story
Our Rhyme of the Week for next week is "When Goldilocks Went To The House Of The Bears." This rhyme supports rhythm and coordination along with basic maths skills linked to "shape, space and measure". In these sessions the children are also learning the makaton signs to the lyrics. Please find below link for the signs to support the Rhyme of the Week:

Language of the week
We are lucky to have a rich and diverse community with lots of different languages. Our language of the week is Greek, which one of our Practitioners, Effie and our student Philippos speak. Please find below links of how to say "Hello" and "Goodbye" in Greek. Please practise with your child at home.
How to Say "Hello" in Greek | Greek Lessons
How to Say "Goodbye" in Greek | Greek Lessons
Learning At Home
This week children have been learning about our new values; Respect, Safe & Confident.
Discuss with your child what respect, safe and confident mean and role play different scenarios - being / not being respectful.
Success Story of the Week!
This week the children have enjoyed engaging in a range of
sensory activities. These play a crucial role in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) as they support holistic development in young children. These activities engage the senses—sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell—facilitating learning through exploration and discovery. The children have done so by exploring shaving foam, ice and a variety of different coloured lights in our sensory pod.​​​​