Early Years Pupil Premium Strategy 2021 - 2223
This statement details our school’s use of early years pupil premium funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.
It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our nursery school.
School overview
School name - Muriel Green Nursery School
Number of pupils in school and those eligible for EYPP
Autumn 50 (10 eligible for EYPP) 20%
Spring 70 (11 eligible for EYPP) 16%
Summer 79 (13 eligible for EYPP) 16%
Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers - 2021/2022
Date this statement was published - May 2022
Date on which it will be reviewed - July 2022
Statement authorised by Gemma Williamson Headteacher
Pupil premium lead - Gemma Williamson Headteacher
Governor - Rachel lead for disadvantaged pupils
Funding overview
Funding overview
Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year-Autumn Term -£100 x 10 = £1,000
Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year-Spring Term - £100 x 11 = £1,100
Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year-Summer Term - £100 x 13 = £1,300
Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan
Statement of intent
At Muriel Green Nursery School our aim is that all children, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, have a great start, make strong progress and achieve high attainment across all areas of learning. The focus of our pupil premium strategy is to support all children at risk of disadvantage to achieve that goal, including progress for those who are already high attaining.
When allocating the funding we will assess the context from which the child is working within-we take a holistic approach to providing support and look at potential challenges in both academic attainment and family support and enrichment. Research tells us that high attaining children are at risk of falling off the trajectory, so we allocate funding and carefully provide support irrespective of their starting points.
High quality provision is proven to be the key driver for raising attainment for all children including those at risk of disadvantage. At Muriel Green Nursery School our commitment if to ensure that the nursery is a place where all children make strong progress and leave well equipped for the next stage in their education. The allocation of funding is carefully thought out to ensure that all children benefit from raised standards of provision.
Our strategy is to identify the key actions for individual children and families that will make the difference. School leaders are familiar with current research and use this research to inform decisions. Every child’s achievement and potential barriers are assessed, discussed, and reviewed. Our fluid approach results if regular reviews and careful monitoring of impact to ensure that the allocation of funded is effective on making a difference.
This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.
Assessments, observations, and transition information indicate that many children, including those at risk of disadvantage, have starting points in communication lower than those expected of their chronological age.
Our attendance data indicates that a small minority of pupils at risk of disadvantage have attendance below that expected to achieve strong progress.
A small minority of children at risk of disadvantage have significant additional needs and require the support of external professionals and close support of staff in the school to keep themselves safe and access the curriculum.
A small minority of families including those at risk of disadvantage require support to ensure that the home learning environment promotes strong progress.
intended outcomes
This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.
Improved communication and language skills and vocabulary.
Children will make strong progress from their starting point.
Children will achieve the curriculum intent
Children will be well prepared for the next stage in their education.
To achieve and sustain improved attendance for all children, particularly those at risk of disadvantage
Attendance data will evidence consistent attendance
Clear systems for monitoring attendance and offering support will be in place
Home learning resources will be shared to ensure access to high quality resources at home.
Children at risk of disadvantage who have significant additional needs
Children will receive timely support from external professionals
Children will access a curriculum designed to both meet their needs and provide challenge
Families require support to ensure that the home learning environment promotes strong progress.
Families will work in strong collaboration with the school
Families will feedback positively on strategies implemented
Evidence will indicate that improvements in the home learning environment have positively impacted on outcomes
Activity in this academic year
This details how we intend to spend our early years pupil premium this academic year to address the challenges listed above.
Teaching and Targeted academic support
Budgeted cost: £2,500
A member of the Leadership team will lead on interventions for speech and language.
There is a strong evidence base that suggests oral language interventions, including dialogic activities such as Wellcomm are inexpensive to implement with high impacts on(https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/education-evidence/early-years-toolkit/communication-and-language-approaches)
Challenges addressed = 1, 4
Funded wraparound care is provided for children to support low attendance due to medical needs. Funded wraparound care is provided for children to support families back into work. Extended sessions provide target children with further opportunities further in line with their 30 hour peers.
There is strong evidence that there is a link between low family income and poor academic achievement. By supporting parents back to work will improve outcomes for children.
Challenges Addressed = 1, 2, 3
Parental collaboration is a key driver in the Nursery. Funding is used to ensure that parents/carers receive fortnightly updates from keypersons. Leadership time is used to create a responsive annual parental engagement strategy.
Parental engagement in early years education is consistently associated with children’s subsequent academic success.
Challenges Addressed = 1, 4
1:1 support is provided for children when their needs are identified as requiring support to keep themselves safe and access the curriculum.
Evidence strongly indicates that where Teaching Assistants are used effectively and follow a structured programme children can achieve greater independence.
Challenges Addressed = 3
Wider Strategies
Budgeted cost: £1,000
Whole staff training on behaviour management and anti-bullying approaches with the aim of developing our school ethos and improving behaviour across school. This will be based upon the Hertfordshire model of Trauma Informed Practice
Both targeted interventions and universal approaches can have positive overall effects:
Challenges Addressed = 1, 3
Total budgeted cost: £ £3,500
Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year
Pupil premium strategy outcomes
A member of the senior leadership team will lead on interventions for speech and language. An extra member of staff has been funded to support the screening process and the running of interventions
Children made strong progress from their starting point.
Targeted sessions were high quality and WellComm evidence shows gaps were identified and addressed
At least 80% of children eligible for EYPP were working in a typical band of development and were ready for the next phase of their education.
Lessons Learned - Maintain
Impact RAG = GREEN
Funded wraparound care is provided for children to support parents back to work. Extended sessions provide target children with further opportunities further in line with their 30-hour peers.
Children who received funded hours had raised attendance and/or better punctuality attendance
For identified children it ensured that they were offered greater access to targeted support and exposure to opportunities in line with peers.
Lessons Learned - Maintain
Impact RAG = GREEN
Additional adult support, with trained staff, provided for children when their needs are identified as requiring support to keep themselves safe and access the curriculum.
Timely applications were made for external support and all advice was used to inform provision.
Children with additional needs achieved targets in support plan
Children were provided with a differentiated approach to the school curriculum intent.
Lessons Learned - Review to ensure sustainable moving forward: Moved from providing 1:1 support to creating appropriate provision within the school with an integrated offer.
Parental collaboration is a key driver in the Nursery. Funding is used to ensure that parents/carers receive fortnightly updates from keypersons. Leadership time is used to create a responsive annual parental engagement strategy.
A strategic plan of parental engagement was developed that ensured a range of activities were provided across the year.
Parent surveys indicated that they felt well supported with home learning.
All children left with a home library of 5 quality books ensuring equal access to high quality texts at home.
Lessons Learned - Maintain, Ensure it is responsive to the cohort and continually reviewed
Impact RAG - GREEN